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The Privacy Policy describes the commitment of Fujifilm Europe to the protection of data privacy and how it treats the personal information that it receives from visitors and users of the printacademy website(s). It describes the management of personal information by Fujifilm Europe, in particular its collection, sharing and transfer as well as purposes of use, data retention and the data subjects’ rights under the GDPR.

Full policy

Privacy Policy

1. Scope of This Privacy Policy

1.1. Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy describes our commitment to the protection of data privacy and how we treat the Personal Information that we receive from visitors of this website (“Website(s)”) and users of software applications (“App(s)”) that (i) are managed and operated by FUJIFILM Europe or one of its affiliates as indicated under the Section “Data Controller” (“FUJIFILM” or “we”) and (ii) have a link to this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy may also apply when referred to in an offline context, e.g. for workshops and other events and marketing activities.

In case stipulations that differ from this Privacy Policy are clearly indicated, the relevant differing stipulations shall prevail.

1.2. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller in relation to any personal data that is collected within the scope of this Privacy Policy is FUJIFILM Europe GmbH, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 6, 40882 Ratingen, Germany. For further information please see the Website imprint.

Our Data Protection Officer / Data Protection Team can be contacted by post or via email at

1.3. External links

This Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites that have published their own privacy statement and to third party sites, even if links to their websites are on our Website(s) and App(s). Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave one of our Websites and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personal information.

2. Management of Personal Information

2.1. Collection of Personal Information

In principle, you may view the Website(s) without disclosing Personal Information. The Website(s) and App(s) may collect certain technical information, e.g. which content you have viewed within the Website(s), or which website you have referred to access the Website(s). In the process of collecting such information, which purpose is to improve the usability of the Website(s) or App(s), information shall not be collected in a manner in which you may be identified, nor shall you be identified during the process of information analysis.

You may be requested or required to provide personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) to access certain areas of the Website. Also, we may ask for certain Personal Information when you order a product, request services, participate in promotional activities or research studies or correspond with us. Personal Information we collect may include name, mailing address, phone number, email address, payment details and other details you provide to us for example in a contact form, registration for an account or subscription to an email newsletter or other marketing communication.

We process your Personal Information based on your consent, for the performance of a contract or as necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests, including for responding to your enquiries and to customize and improve our web offerings, products and services in accordance with your preferences (Art. 6 (1) (a), (b) and (f) GDPR).

2.2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The purpose of use of your Personal Information shall be clearly indicated in this Privacy Policy or otherwise when collecting the information, except in cases where the purpose of use is self-evident to you. The use of Personal Information provided by you shall be limited to the purpose of use indicated to you in advance. However, we reserve the right to conduct additional processing to the extent permitted or required by relevant laws and regulations.

Furthermore, we may be required to use and retain personal data for legal and compliance reasons, such as the prevention, detection, or investigation of a crime; loss prevention; or to combat fraud. We may also use personal data to meet our internal and external audit requirements, information security purposes, and as we otherwise believe to be necessary or appropriate: (a) under applicable law, which may include laws outside your country of residence; (b) to respond to requests from courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, and other public and government authorities, which may include such authorities outside your country of residence; (c) to enforce terms and conditions; and (d) to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, or those of other persons.

The following examples illustrate possible scenarios in which we collect and use your Personal Information:

2.2.1. User Accounts

When you register for a customer account we usually collect name, e-mail address and password. In addition, you can provide your address, including billing and delivery address in your customer account. When placing an order, we collect data on the goods you have selected, corresponding pricing information, any vouchers you might use, your billing and delivery address, and the selected method of payment and shipping. In connection with the fulfilment of orders we collect in particular information regarding payment, delivery and returns.

Our FUJIFILM Professionals Platforms are exclusive platforms for professional users specifically interested in receiving information on certain FUJIFILM products and services. When you register for a user account at one of our FUJIFILM Professionals Platforms, we usually collect your name, company name, department and job title as well as your business related contact information.

We may use your Personal Information to maintain your user account, to verify that you are a legitimate user, to provide you with the requested information on FUJIFILM products and services, including any newsletters you may subscribe to and to respond to support and other enquiries you might have. In connection with your user account, we may analyze your use of our website and our newsletter to better understand your preferences and to improve our web services. We store such information in connection with your user account. If you have given your marketing consent, we might also contact you under your business contact details for marketing purposes in relation to our products and services that may be of interest for you.

If you have created a user account, we store your data for as long as you maintain your user account. In the event of deletion of your user account, we store the relevant data only to the extent permitted or required by law.

Through your user account, you can administer and update your contact data and your preferences. Please treat your access data as confidential and do not share your password with any third parties. If you become aware of, or if you suspect that a third party has obtained unauthorized access to your access data or uses your account, please change your password without undue delay.

2.2.2. Personalized Services

In connection with the personalized services, we may process and use your information for advertising and market research purposes or for personalized provision of services if you have given your consent. If you give your consent the information accessed by you whilst visiting the Website(s) and Apps(s) may be stored in a user profile in order to be able to offer you information specifically personalized for you (e.g. in the form of a newsletter). You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future.

If you use personalized services we will use your Personal Information required for the provision of the services for the duration of your registration and thereafter for as long as required or permitted under applicable laws. We may share your information with affiliated FUJIFILM companies if this is necessary to respond to your inquiries or if necessary for the provision of the services. We may forward inquiries regarding our products and services also to a distributor that is responsible for the relevant product or service category and region.

2.2.3. Blog / Forums

Some of our Websites offer publicly accessible blogs or community forums. You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them. To request removal of your Personal Information from our blog or community forum, contact us with the contact details provided in the section “Contact Us”. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your Personal Information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.

2.2.4. Email newsletters

If you subscribe to our newsletter(s), we will use the Personal Information necessary or separately provided by you to send you our email newsletter(s) as agreed. Newsletter emails may contain web beacons, tracking pixels or links that allow us to analyze your use of the newsletter, including information on whether you received and opened our newsletter. You may withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time either by sending a message to us or via a dedicated unsubscribe link in the newsletter.

2.2.5. Email advertising without subscription 

If we receive your email address in connection with the sale of goods or services and you have not objected to this, we are entitled to regularly offer you similar goods and services, such as the one you purchased by using your email. You may withdraw your consent to such use of your email address at any time in the future by sending a message to us or via the unsubscribe link provided in our emails.

2.2.6. Postal advertising

We may be entitled by applicable laws to store your first and last name, postal address and, if applicable, your title and academic degree and use it for our own advertising purposes, in particular for sending offers and information about our goods and services by postal services. You can object to this use of your information at any time for the future by sending a message to us.

2.3. Data Sharing and Disclosure

We will not disclose or supply, share or otherwise distribute your Personal Information to third parties except as described in this Privacy Policy. We share Personal Information when:

(a) your consent is given in advance;

(b) it is necessary to provide you with our services, including in particular, sending of marketing communications, providing customer service, supporting our marketing and product distribution, or operating our systems or applications. These companies are authorized to use your Personal Information only as necessary to provide these services.

(c) Personal Information may be shared with the FUJIFILM group if needed to provide services or fulfill product orders, for account administration, to facilitate sales and marketing, for customer and technical support, and to promote business and product development. Please click here to see a list of FUJIFILM Group locations we may share Personal Information with. We may also forward inquiries regarding our products and services to a third party distributor that is responsible for the relevant product or service category and region;

(d) you order products or use other services which require a fee, your name, address, credit card number, and other information is disclosed to financial institutions or other parties for payment settlement;

(e) our business is assigned or transferred either by operation in law or otherwise including mergers, consolidations and dissolution or transfer of operations;

(f) your Personal Information disclosure is required by applicable laws and regulations or such disclosure is otherwise necessary in support of any criminal or other legal investigation or proceeding conducted by relevant authorities; or

(g) there is an immediate need for disclosure to protect human life or human rights.

2.4. International Data Transfers

We may transfer the Personal Information we collect to and store such information in other countries which may have different privacy or data protection laws than the country in which the information was provided.

This means that your Personal Information also may be transferred to and/or processed by FUJIFILM entities or (on their behalf) by third party service providers outside the European Union ("EU") or the European Economic Area ("EEA"). The data protection regulation in the relevant countries where your Personal Information is collected or processed might deviate from the level of protection granted by legislation in the EU/EEA. However, FUJIFILM will ensure the adequate protection of your Personal Information in accordance with the applicable laws and the principles set out herein. By using our Website(s) and App(s), you agree with the collection and transfer of your Personal Information outside the EU/EEA as described herein.

2.5. Data Security

FUJIFILM takes adequate technical and organizational security measures in order to protect your Personal Information from being misused and to prevent the loss of your information. Your Personal Information is saved in a secure operating environment that is not accessible to the public. All Personal Information provided by you in the course of registration or use of personalized services will be transferred in encrypted form in order to prevent misuse of the information by any third party.

3. Use of Cookies, Tracking Technology and Social Media Plug-ins

3.1. Use of Cookies and Tracking Technology

Our Website(s) and App(s) may use “Cookies” or similar technologies (analysis programs and social media services). Cookies are text files that are sent by a Website(s) to the user's browser in order to store information on the user's devices. Whenever the Website(s) is accessed, the information contained in the Cookie is read by the Website(s).

3.1.1. Your consent to the use of cookies

We distinguish between strictly necessary cookies, which are required for the proper functioning of our Website(s), and other cookies. Strictly necessary cookies do not require your consent. For other cookies we request your consent before placing them on your device. You can use our website only after confirming your cookie settings.

Two cookies are used on this site:

The essential one is the session cookie, usually called MoodleSession. You must allow this cookie in your browser to provide continuity and to remain logged in when browsing the site. When you log out or close the browser, this cookie is destroyed (in your browser and on the server).

The other cookie is purely for convenience, usually called MOODLEID or similar. It just remembers your username in the browser. This means that when you return to this site, the username field on the login page is already filled in for you. It is safe to refuse this cookie - you will just have to retype your username each time you log in.

3.1.2. Changing your cookie preferences 

You can deactivate the use of / delete cookies via your browser settings at any time. Please note that in this case you may not be able to make full use of the complete range of functions offered by the Website(s).

3.2. Social Network Plug-ins

Our Website(s) and App(s) may offer plug-ins for social networks (“Networks”). Social network plugins are easy ways of sharing content with other people via Networks. When you access the Website(s), these plug-ins can potentially create a direct connection between your browser and the respective Networks. If you interact with the plug-ins, for example in the case of Twitter by clicking on “Tweet This” or with Facebook by clicking the ‘I like' button or making a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted directly from your browser to the Network. In some cases, information is already exchanged with a Network when you visit the Website(s), regardless whether you interact with the plug-ins or not.

You can prevent information from being shared with a Network by not allowing the corresponding Cookies and/or logging off from the Network before using the Website(s).

4. Data Retention

We will retain your Personal Information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you with services. We will retain and use your Personal Information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

5. Your Rights Relating to your Personal Information under the GDPR

You have the right to request from us access to and rectification or erasure of personal data, to restrict processing of your personal data, to object to such processing and to exercise your right to data portability in accordance with the GDPR and applicable laws.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority in accordance with the GDPR and applicable laws if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR. For this purpose, you can contact in particular the supervisory authority in the EU Member State of your habitual residence or the place of the alleged infringement. A list of the national Data Protection Authorities can be found at

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

FUJIFILM reserves the right to change, amend, or update this Privacy Policy. If we do decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revised Privacy Policy and indicate the date of publication. On return visits, please remember to review the Privacy Policy for any changes, since continued use of the Website(s) or the App(s) after any posted revision indicates your consent to our use of your information in accordance with the changed, amended, or updated Privacy Policy.


The FE Website Terms are set of rules that describe the terms and conditions of access, browsing and use of printacademy website(s). In particular, they govern the intellectual property rights, restrictions on the use of the content in the website, third party content as well as updates and revisions of the content of the website.

Full policy

Terms and Conditions of Use

Thank you for visiting this Website. This Website, including all country-specific local language pages and all other pages, is the property of FUJIFILM Europe and is maintained and made available to the public solely by FUJIFILM for the purpose of offering to those who are interested in FUJIFILM Corporation in Europe and FUJIFILM’s products and services a convenient way to find relevant information, such as the latest news releases, financial information, product lineup, local contact information and websites owned by FUJIFILM's subsidiaries or its distributors.

Your access to, browsing, and use of this Website is governed by the following Terms & Conditions and any other terms, conditions or guidelines set out elsewhere in this Website, as well as all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to laws regarding trademarks, copyrights, rights of privacy, and defamation.

Therefore, FUJIFILM kindly asks you to read the Terms & Conditions carefully.

1. Use of this Website

These Terms & Conditions apply to this Website and to any other websites which link to the Terms & Conditions. You may find additional terms and conditions pertaining to specific pages in this Website. Your use of such pages within this Website are governed by such pages' terms and conditions. If there are any conflicts between the Terms & Conditions provided herein and additional terms and conditions provided elsewhere in this Website, the additional terms and conditions shall prevail.

Subject to these Terms & Conditions, FUJIFILM hereby grants to you, under FUJIFILM’s intellectual property rights a non-exclusive, worldwide, non-transferable right to use this Website and the Content included therein only for personal, non-commercial use subject to the restrictions and obligations set forth in these Terms & Conditions. Further reaching rights are not granted.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

Unless otherwise stated or indicated, all text, software programs available on or through this Website, and other content included on this Website (“Content”), including trademarks (registered and unregistered), graphics, photographs, images, logos and service marks (collectively, the “Marks”) and the selection, arrangement and “look and feel” of the Marks and other Content is the property of FUJIFILM or the property of third parties who have granted FUJIFILM permission to use such Content on this Website. All Content is protected by international copyright and trademark laws.

3. Restrictions on use of content in this Website

Except as expressly allowed under applicable law or as permitted herein or elsewhere in this Website, or by obtaining prior written permission from FUJIFILM, or any third party who has such power, authority, titles or interest as is necessary to grant such legal permission, you are prohibited from modifying, copying, downloading, distributing, transmitting, displaying, publishing, selling, licensing, creating derivative works or otherwise using any Marks or other Content available on or through this Website for commercial or public purposes, including, but not limited to, use as meta tags on other pages or websites on the World Wide Web. Nothing in these Terms & Conditions confers any rights in the Marks or other Content to you that is not specifically mentioned herein.

4. Third Party Content

This Website may contain links to websites and the content of third parties (“Third Party Content”) as a service to you. Any Third Party Content or third party websites accessible via the links contained on the Website are external information. FUJIFILM does not monitor, review or update, and does not have any control over, any Third Party Content or third party websites. Unless expressly stated otherwise, FUJIFILM does not endorse or adopt any Third Party Content, and FUJIFILM makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability of any Third Party Content. If you use these links and the Third Party Content, you do so entirely at your own risk. In addition, reference to any products, services, processes or other information by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by FUJIFILM.

5. Updates and Revisions

The Content on this Website is provided by FUJIFILM as a convenience to you and is subject to change without notice. FUJIFILM may, at any time and from time to time, revise and update the Terms & Conditions and the Content. We recommend that you periodically visit this page to review and familiarize yourself with all current terms and conditions and review this Website generally to familiarize yourself with any updates and revisions.

6. No Warranties

This website, its content, and its services are provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. FUJIFILM disclaims all warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, informational content, system integration or accuracy.

7. Contact

Please find our contact details under the Website imprint.